ABOUT ARTISTImani-shimwe

Stories are the foundation of human cooperation.

Completely self-taught, Imani-shimwe akaThe marooned Islander is an artist based in Stockholm Sweden.
Imani-shimwe, acclaimed as The Maroon Islander, emerges as an innovative and inquisitive soul, perpetually flipping the coin of perception to uncover new dimensions of understanding. With roots firmly planted in the vibrant landscapes of East Africa, she harnesses her boundless curiosity to reimagine the world through her unique lens.
The moniker “The Maroon Islander” holds profound significance in
Imani-shimwe’s life serves as both a reflection of her cultural heritage and a response to her existential ponderings. It represents her quest for identity and meaning, offering a sanctuary amidst the complexities of modern life.
Her abstract format explores the perception of human existence and the stories that form our human identity from love to pain to existential crisis all explored in abstract expressionism.
The idea that a story can be justly fulfilled with pure colourful expressions is in itself powerful. The art of painting is a powerful voice, one that connects people.