
Grown Conversations¿

Size: 100 x 120 cm London, UK medium: acrylic on Canvas24 October 2021 “music to my ears”, “I have seen girls like you come and go” Grown Conversation ¿  captures the pressure older men place on young women by framing love as a fleeting opportunity and warning that rejecting it leads to regret and loneliness in older age. they deny […]
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Moon River

Moon River is about seeking the future and the past simultaneously I find myself lurking more and more. I find myself connected to humanity while drifting further apart from it.While watching an AD featuring Jay-Z and Beyoncé, I wondered if I will ever grow in love with someone, be fond of them, stay around during the imperfections of our human […]
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NEVER HOME (never was home)

Watch it all burn, it was never home anyway. The stories of a traumatic childhood that begins to burn to ashes. One I would rather let burn in hopes that the only history left of it is that it once began at a place that ceases to exist. That place was never home, nobody belonged there, not even the people […]
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Sweet Chile

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system.
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