
¿First Conversations¿

“¿First Conversations¿” tells the story of my dating experiences in this modern era.

In my interactions with men, They have mastered one thing and one thing only, and that’s excelling in their careers. The rules in that arena are straightforward; it’s either a win or a loss. It’s the one thing they can do exceptionally well, even when they feel emotionally detached or lack creativity beyond the ordinary.

“¿First Conversations¿” highlights how being physically present doesn’t necessarily indicate true engagement with another person. In those moments, my inner thoughts and reflections often drown out their voices.

DISCLAIMER: I want to remind everyone reading that my experiences are highly personal and shouldn’t limit your exploration of dating.

As for me, I come fully prepared. What they like to call “a baddie,” and yet he shows up with “tech talk.” He hasn’t shined his shoes, neglected to check his breath, and seems to have bathed in cologne. I already dislike everything about him, but the ambience is pleasant, and I’m here for good food.

My expectations are meagre, yet I keep showing up, dressed in all my splendour, smelling delightful, and looking even more beautiful than before. I knew I’d be disappointed, but sometimes you must bear witness because the 150th time might be the charm.

I mean, I’m seated across from you, and all I can hear is your tales of bonuses and the wonders of working remotely. That’s all well and good, but who are you? I appreciate that you take pride in your job and are passionate about it, but I want to know you, the person beyond the office. If only you’d let us engage in a genuine conversation.

I understand you might be nervous, and discussing the one thing you’re certain about (tech) makes you feel in control, and that’s alright. But do you see me across the table, or do you think you’re practising in front of a mirror? Is the gleam in my eyes so intense that all you see is your reflection?

You seem more than willing to foot the bill, and that’s the least you can do if I’m enduring your breath for 45 minutes.

I can’t wait to excuse myself to the ladies’ room so I can take a selfie and smile, knowing that I won’t see you again.

You’ll go home, get upset, and complain about how women don’t know what they want. Because “you’re successful and can take care of me”. I can already predict you starting a podcast about women and becoming an expert with nothing on the subject.

By the way, what was your name again? All I remember is that you work at Google, with patents and a host of other “Outlier” achievements.

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 80 X 100CM


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